Mosh Pit
Project Details
Role: Level Designer
Game: Dying Light
Engine: Chrome Engine
Year: 2022
Team Size: Solo
Most Pit is a level where the player is given a mission to go to an abandoned pier where there was a music festival during a zombie outbreak. They need to transfer the power to the main stage to turn on the loudspeakers to attract the most powerful zombies to kill them because they are disrupting a faction’s supply routes.
gameplay Goal
My main goal was to give the player an unforgettable ending combat sequence. I wanted to design a linear level where they could deviate from it and return to it whenever they want. Then they can activate the last combat sequence when ready for the finale.
Level Design Goals
Time of Day
Designed level to accommodate all lighting environments.
Power Fantasy
Put the player in a power fantasy combat scenario to make them feel like a badass.
Strong Conveyance
I delivered strong conveyance through connecting spaces with the use of light, sound, fx and animations.
Time of Day
Dying Lights engine is made for a 24-hour cycle lighting system. I designed the level to accommodate the player’s critical path in many lighting scenarios. I accomplished this by combining lighting, motion, and leading lines across their path.
I also wanted the player.
Side Quest
Power Fantasy
I wanted to fulfill the player’s power fantasy. It gives them the agency to feel like they’re a total badass in an action movie. I did this in multiple ways.
Giving the player a very powerful weapon like the double-barrel shotgun.
Placing explosive barrels all around the pier.
Finishing the level with a wave-based combat sequence with powerful music playing in the background on a colorful stage.
Strong Conveyance - Activate The Space
I used a combination of lighting, sound, and FX to create a strong connection between the power transfer switch and the stage. I also placed each switch at a direct viewing angle to the stage.
Direct Sightline between the power transfer switch and the stage.
When the player gets to the stage to activate the music, I wanted to allow them to activate the last combat sequence whenever they wanted. So they could collect ammo and gather supplies to prepare for the big finale.