About ME
NYC born and raised, also lived a bit in Nashville when I was younger. Gaming is my passion, both professionally and personally. Games are the only medium where the level designer can not just show the player a story but bring them into it and make them a character.
Some of my favorite games are Advanced Wars Dual Strikes, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Batman Arkham Asylum, and Resident Evil 4. This list is still growing. I love storytelling in movies. A few of my favorites are They Live, The Thing, Total Recall, Schindler’s List, and The Shawshank Redemption.
I also can’t watch enough documentaries. My favorites are Enron, the Smartest Guys in The Room, The Restless Conscience, and The Rape of Europa. The stories, whether fact or fiction, impact me to tell the stories I want my players to experience in my levels. Design challenges intrigue me. They keep me awake at night and get me out of bed early.
Behind the “Level Designer” title, I see myself as a storyteller. I’m so grateful to be born when this medium exists, and I get to participate in it. I feel it’s a tremendous responsibility, and I take it seriously.
After grad school, I hope to travel to South Korea. I also want to learn how to scuba dive.
P.S. Other facts about me Some Nerdy
I still love Yu-Gi-Oh. I love to play Master Duels and Duel Links
I recently started playing D&D, and I am a Tiefling called Nameless.
I love talking to people and learning their stories.
Feel free to reach out for work or a conversation. Contact info below.
Contact me
Mokuni Games
ESI Design
ESC Games
Maker Brane
Playford Games
Daniel Gwirtzman Dance Company
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